Annual Data Summary Details


Breeding Program

Genotyping Projects

This table shows the Genotyping Projects that were added by the USDA-ARS, HWWGRU breeding program and have a year set to 2024. It also includes the protocol that is associated with the project and the number of accessions that were sampled by the project. Click the project or protocol name to view more details about the specific project or protocol. Click the download link to download the original VCF file that was loaded for the specific project.

Genotyping Project Genotyping Protocol Accession Count Download

Phenotyping Trials

This table shows the Phenotyping Trials that were added by the USDA-ARS, HWWGRU breeding program and have a harvest year set to 2024. It also includes the number of traits that were observed in the trial and the total number of plots in the trial. Click the trial name to view more details about the specific trial. Click the download link to download an Excel spreadsheet containing all of the trait observations saved for the specific trial.

Phenotyping Trial Has Plot Layout? Trait Count Trait Names Plot Count Donwload
24ASM_AYT1 ... 10 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale, Anthesis time - Julian date (JD), Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Maturity time - physiological - Julian date (JD), Plant height - cm, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale 150   XLSX
24ASM_AYT2 ... 10 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale, Anthesis time - Julian date (JD), Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Maturity time - physiological - Julian date (JD), Plant height - cm, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale 200   XLSX
24ASM_BYDV ... 0 1104   XLSX
24ASM_Elite ... 3 Barley yellow dwarf incidence - 0-9 percentage scale, Leaf rust plant response - 0-9 Mc Neal scale, Leaf rust severity - % 800   XLSX
24ASM_LPA ... 4 Anthesis time - Julian date (JD), Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Plant height - cm 100   XLSX
24ASM_MIN ... 9 Anthesis time - Julian date (JD), Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Maturity time - physiological - Julian date (JD), Plant height - cm, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale 80   XLSX
24ASM_POPS ... 4 Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha 40   XLSX
24ASM_SdPur_T100_T111 ... 0 862   XLSX
24ASM_SrPYT ... 0 300   XLSX
24ASM_T061_T068 ... 2 Leaf rust plant response - 0-9 Mc Neal scale, Leaf rust severity - % 592   XLSX
24ASM_TCAP_C ... 11 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale, Anthesis time - Julian date (JD), Canopy senescence - %, Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Maturity time - physiological - Julian date (JD), Plant height - cm, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale 501   XLSX
24ASM_Trays ... 0 2332   XLSX
24CBM_TCAP ... 7 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale 500   XLSX
24CC_AXInc ... 0 50   XLSX
24CC_AYT1 ... 7 Glume color - Light/Mixed/Dark scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale 150   XLSX
24CC_AYT2 ... 7 Glume color - Light/Mixed/Dark scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale 200   XLSX
24CC_AYT2SdInc ... 0 188   XLSX
24CC_AYTSdInc ... 0 200   XLSX
24CC_HTNILs ... 7 Glume color - Light/Mixed/Dark scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale 96   XLSX
24CC_SpreaderSdInc ... 0 12   XLSX
24CC_SrPYT ... 7 Glume color - Light/Mixed/Dark scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale 300   XLSX
24CC_WQC_NorthernGrowout ... 0 110   XLSX
24CC_WQC_SouthernGrowout ... 0 140   XLSX
24CSU_Trays ... 2 Glume pubescence presence - 0-1 Absence/Presence, Plant height - cm 2280   XLSX
24FTC_DTD ... 9 Anthesis time - Julian date (JD), Glume color - 1-4 GLMCOL scale, Grain moisture content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Heading time - Julian date (JD), Lodging incidence - 0-9 percentage scale, Maturity time - physiological - Julian date (JD) 384   XLSX
24GRY_DTD ... 8 Anthesis time - Julian date (JD), Glume color - 1-4 GLMCOL scale, Grain moisture content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Heading time - Julian date (JD), Maturity time - physiological - Julian date (JD) 720   XLSX
24GRY_VAL ... 8 Anthesis time - Julian date (JD), Glume color - 1-4 GLMCOL scale, Grain moisture content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Heading time - Julian date (JD), Maturity time - physiological - Julian date (JD) 192   XLSX
24GYM_AYT1 ... 0 150   XLSX
24HUM_AXInc ... 2 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale, Spike Color - 1-5 Color Rating 50   XLSX
24HUM_AYT1 ... 8 Bacterial mosiac of wheat plant response - 0-9 Response Scale, Frost damage - 0-3 injury scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Wheat streak mosaic virus plant response - 0-9 Response Scale 150   XLSX
24HUM_AYT2 ... 6 Frost damage - 0-3 injury scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm 200   XLSX
24HUM_Elite ... 5 Barley yellow dwarf incidence - 0-9 percentage scale, Leaf rust plant response - 0-9 Mc Neal scale, Leaf rust severity - %, Stripe rust infection type - 0-9 Mc Neal scale, Stripe rust severity - % 800   XLSX
24HUM_IPSR_T071_080 ... 0 784   XLSX
24HUM_LrPYT ... 8 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale, Frost damage - 0-3 injury scale, Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale 100   XLSX
24HUM_MaleSterileTrays ... 1 Qualitative male sterility assessment - 0-2 Sterility Scale 2652   XLSX
24HUM_POPS ... 0 20   XLSX
24HUM_PYTH ... 8 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale, Frost damage - 0-3 injury scale, Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale 80   XLSX
24HUM_Rec213_Inc ... 0 74   XLSX
24HUM_T061_T068 ... 1 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale 592   XLSX
24HUM_TCAP ... 7 Frost damage - 0-3 injury scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Winter kill damage - % 500   XLSX
24HUM_TDicQ2_B ... 7 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale, Spike Color - 1-5 Color Rating 50   XLSX
24HUM_TDicQ2_C ... 8 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale, Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale, Spike Color - 1-5 Color Rating 50   XLSX
24HUM_TdicGDP_Tray ... 0 80   XLSX
24HUM_Trays ... 0 2160   XLSX
24HUM_WE2_PYT ... 8 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale, Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale, Spike Color - 1-5 Color Rating 80   XLSX
24HUM_YrMAP ... 2 Stripe rust infection type - 0-9 Mc Neal scale, Stripe rust severity - % 2170   XLSX
24HZM_AYT1 ... 7 Glume color - 1-4 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Wheat streak mosaic virus plant response - 0-9 Response Scale 150   XLSX
24HZM_POPS ... 1 Wheat streak mosaic virus plant response - 0-9 Response Scale 20   XLSX
24HZM_SrPYT ... 7 Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Wheat streak mosaic virus plant response - 0-9 Response Scale 300   XLSX
24HZM_TCAP_C ... 10 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale, Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Soil borne mosaic incidence - %, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale, Wheat streak mosaic virus plant response - 0-9 Response Scale 500   XLSX
24HZM_TDicQ2_A ... 7 Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Wheat streak mosaic virus plant response - 0-9 Response Scale 50   XLSX
24HZM_WE_PYT ... 7 Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Wheat streak mosaic virus plant response - 0-9 Response Scale 100   XLSX
24HZM_YrPYT ... 7 Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm, Wheat streak mosaic virus plant response - 0-9 Response Scale 100   XLSX
24LMN_Elite ... 2 Wheat streak mosaic virus plant response - 0-9 Response Scale|day 126, Wheat streak mosaic virus plant response - 0-9 Response Scale|day 150 800   XLSX
24LNM_T001_T022 ... 2 Bacterial mosiac of wheat plant response - 0-9 Response Scale, Wheat streak mosaic virus plant response - 0-9 Response Scale 1752   XLSX
24LNM_T061_T068 ... 1 Wheat streak mosaic virus plant response - 0-9 Response Scale 592   XLSX
24RFP_Elite ... 4 Anthesis time - Julian date (JD), Soil borne mosaic plant response - 0-9 Response Scale, Stem rust seedling infection type - TTKSK - 0-9 Linearized Stakman Scale Rating, Stem rust severity - % 800   XLSX
24RFP_T061_T068 ... 5 Soil borne mosaic plant response - 0-9 Response Scale, Stripe rust infection type - 0-9 Mc Neal scale|day 1, Stripe rust infection type - 0-9 Mc Neal scale|day 2, Stripe rust severity - %|day 1, Stripe rust severity - %|day 2 592   XLSX
24RFP_Trays ... 1 Soil borne mosaic plant response - 0-9 Response Scale 856   XLSX
24RFS_Elite ... 8 Anthesis time - Julian date (JD), FHB plant response - 1-9 response scale|day 142, FHB plant response - 1-9 response scale|day 145, FHB plant response - 1-9 response scale|day 148, FHB severity - %|day 142, FHB severity - %|day 145, FHB severity - %|day 148, Soil borne mosaic plant response - 0-9 Response Scale 160   XLSX
24RFS_Trays ... 8 Anthesis time - Julian date (JD), FHB plant response - 1-9 response scale|day 142, FHB plant response - 1-9 response scale|day 145, FHB plant response - 1-9 response scale|day 148, FHB severity - %|day 142, FHB severity - %|day 145, FHB severity - %|day 148, Soil borne mosaic plant response - 0-9 Response Scale 400   XLSX
24RFS_Trays_RB ... 0 672   XLSX
24RSY_BreederTrays ... 2 Stripe rust infection type - 0-9 Mc Neal scale, Stripe rust severity - % 640   XLSX
24RSY_CSU_T150_T152 ... 2 Stripe rust infection type - 0-9 Mc Neal scale, Stripe rust severity - % 240   XLSX
24RSY_Elite ... 3 Anthesis time - Julian date (JD), Stripe rust infection type - 0-9 Mc Neal scale, Stripe rust severity - % 800   XLSX
24RSY_T061_T068 ... 2 Stripe rust infection type - 0-9 Mc Neal scale, Stripe rust severity - % 592   XLSX
24RSY_TAMU_AMA ... 4 Stripe rust infection type - 0-9 Mc Neal scale|day 1, Stripe rust infection type - 0-9 Mc Neal scale|day 2, Stripe rust severity - %|day 1, Stripe rust severity - %|day 2 320   XLSX
24RSY_TAMU_CS ... 2 Stripe rust infection type - 0-9 Mc Neal scale, Stripe rust severity - % 180   XLSX
24RSY_Tdic ... 5 Animal damage - %, Anthesis time - Julian date (JD), Plant height - cm, Stripe rust infection type - 0-9 Mc Neal scale, Stripe rust severity - % 800   XLSX
24RSY_Trays ... 0 3498   XLSX
24RSY_YrMAP ... 4 Stripe rust infection type - 0-9 Mc Neal scale|day 1, Stripe rust infection type - 0-9 Mc Neal scale|day 2, Stripe rust severity - %|day 1, Stripe rust severity - %|day 2 2170   XLSX
24RUS_AYT1 ... 7 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale, Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm 150   XLSX
24RUS_AYT2 ... 7 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale, Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm 200   XLSX
24RUS_TDicQ2_B ... 7 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale, Glume color - 1-3 GLMCOL scale, Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm 50   XLSX
24SAL_TDicQ2_C ... 0 50   XLSX
24SUM_AYT1 ... 5 Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha, Plant height - cm 150   XLSX
24SUM_HTNIL ... 4 Grain protein content - %, Grain test weight - g/l, Grain yield - g/plot, Grain yield - kg/ha 96   XLSX
24TXM_Elite ... 5 Agronomic score - 1-5 scoring scale, Leaf rust plant response - 0-9 Mc Neal scale, Leaf rust severity - %, Qualitative stem rust - qualitative disease assessment|day 102, Qualitative stem rust - qualitative disease assessment|day 128 800   XLSX
24TXM_Trays ... 2 Leaf rust plant response - 0-9 Mc Neal scale, Leaf rust severity - % 1600   XLSX
24YMG ... 4 Maturity time - 1-5 Phenological relative scale, Qualitative height assessment - 0-3 Qualitative Height Scale, Spike awnedness - Awnedness Categorical Scale, Spike Color - 1-5 Color Rating 2000   XLSX